dimanche 1 novembre 2009

... Et les autres!

Je suis un peu "pogné" à la maison depuis 3 jours. Meladie imprévue qui requiert la présence d'une salle de bain à proximité!

C'est donc dans le confort de mon doux foyer que je me suis mis à me demander qui sont ces autres genses de Toronto qui se donnent le défi de retaper leur chez-eux. Google search - à vos marques - prêts - partez! Je suis donc tombé sur une coupes de blogs, dont 3 nouveaux que je ne connaissais pas:

Les trois sont des couples. Les trois sont des maisons de la même époque que la nôtre. Donc, je suis pas mal gagné d'avance. Puis ça me frappe.......... des bébés. Ok, je ne reviendrai pas là-dessus, mais je m'en sors comme pas - t'as une piaule, t'es en couple, t'as des animaux de compagnie, tu es branché réno et tu veux partager ton expérience via blog.... DONC tu as nécessairement des bébés (au moins un, c'est un must).

Bon... j'en ferai pas une maladie (étant déjà pogné avec une!). C'est si beau la différence!

Mais la deuxième affaire qui me saute aux yeux en regardant les images de leurs maisons... mais OUSSÉ qu'ils trouvent le cash pour faire tout ces travaux? Papa+mamans fortunés? Loterie? Viel oncle riche-fou qui en mourant a laissé un héritage de la mort?

Va savoir, mais ils ont la cash, ça c'est certain.
C'est donc jaloux que je vais lire leurs aventure.... ça a l'avantage d'être entertainant!

6 commentaires:

techhandyman a dit…

Hi, We don't speak French so apologies for this being in English, but we actually saved up the cash for our house for quite a while. We also do all the work ourselves which makes it all a lot cheaper.

Eric Pellerin a dit…

Oh Hi! Happy to see you came here to "visit".
And how did you manage to understand my post... Babelfish translator? ;)

You guys have a great place and I enjoy reading your posts. And I am even glad to hear it's all "from your own pocket". Some blogs out there you wonder how they do it. I mean, this is Toronto and fixing a house here is not a cheap adventure.


Lindsay a dit…

Ha. My goodness, how I wish we had won the lottery to do our renos!! ;) If you came over to our house, you will see that we're actually living pretty modestly. We're lucky to have a roof over our head, and we've saved a lot of money by doing the work ourselves.

I must admit I had to use Babble Fish to read your blog (after seeing hits from your blog to ours from google analytics) My French Emmersion years have worn off. :(

So, I'm not totally sure if your post was poking fun at us or not (which is fine - as hey, we're putting our stuff out on the web, so it's welcomed) But regardless, it's nice to 'meet' other Torontonians that share interests in making houses homes. I'm glad you found our blog, and I welcome comments on our projects!


Eric Pellerin a dit…

Hi again Lindsay,

My post was not about making fun of you guys, quite the opposite actually! I am always so interested in other people adventures in reno-land, especially if it's here in Toronto.

I should try to translate my post in BabelFish to see how it's coming out in english. Not always the best tool to get my "french humour" post!

Keep coming here though! Oh! And visit my other blog (in english) if you want!

Lindsay a dit…

Oh goody. Well, it would have been all in good fun if there was some poking fun at us! ;) We do it all the time at ourselves.

Babblefish isn't so great for translation unfortunately, which is too bad as there are a lot of interesting posts on your blog that are intriguing me. :)

I'm going to take a peek at your other blog now! :)

Eric Pellerin a dit…

I was reading your blog the other night... you and I have things in common! We both work from home - we both are graphic designer - we both blog about our house...

I questionned myself a long time about posting here in english instead of french. At the end, I decided to keep it french because a lot of readers that are coming here enjoy this aspect of my blog. Plus I think I am the only one who's blogging about his home projects in french in Toronto.