mercredi 25 août 2010

Meet me at Campbell House...

Well my friends I have to do this one in english. Yep, that's right folks - AN ENGLISH POST!!!! Houuuuuuu!

Seriously, I am writing especially to invite ya'all to some historical event I am part of. Here's the press release about it:

In Style at Campbell House, 1833
A Unique Historical Re-enactment at the museum
August 28—29

Imagine … It’s 1833 and political conflict is simmering across the country. Doctor Narcisse Chenevert and his apprentice (fictional characters) are requested at Campbell House. The health of retired Judge William Campbell is at its worst and this could be their last chance to visit their friend in the Town of York. The guests of Judge Campbell arrive at his elegant home in York, having travelled from Montreal, for many days, by steamboat on the St Lawrence River and on Lake Ontario.

On the weekend of August 28—29, Campbell House Museum invites you to meet Doctor Narcisse and his entourage. These time travellers are from an era when social classes were well defined and there was a polished code of etiquette between men and women. The hours will pass by at an early-nineteenthcentury pace at Campbell House, as the travelers engage in leisure activities. Judge Campbell’s visitors will play games and cards, write letters, and read to each other. Dr Narcisse, in his silk dressing gown, will sip tea and make a herbarium. Meanwhile, the cook will prepare meals over the fire in the open hearth kitchen downstairs. Stay as long as you like to watch these characters interact and to listen to their

This historical re-enactment will be performed by the Time Nomads Society, an association based in Montreal, whose mission is to accurately represent the past. Through a form of experimental ethnology, the Time Nomads Society produces a sensitive impression of the lives of early Canadians and an insightful interpretation of their practices and customs. Campbell House, built in 1822, is the oldest remaining home from the Town of York.

Campbell House Museum, 160 Queen Street West, Toronto M5H 3H3
(northwest corner of Queen and University, at Osgoode Subway Station) 416 597-0227

Extended Open Hours
For the Time Nomads re-enactment, Campbell House Museum will be open:
Saturday, August 28, 11 am—9 pm
Sunday, August 29, 10 am—3:30 pm (re-enactment ends; museum open to 4:30 pm)

Pay What You Can (this weekend only)

For those who are in the unknown, I've been doing re-enactment since 2006. We try to represent our canadian past into every small details. Nothing, I mean NOTHING is modern when we do these events. No hidden tricks for our confort - we go all the way into an era and we create characters that are fictional but who could have existed.

SO! If you are curious about it, come and see us this coming weekend!
(Pour tous mes lecteurs francophones, NO WORRIES! Je retourne au français dès le prochaine message. STAY TUNED!)

dimanche 1 août 2010

La Old Dutch? Moi j'appelle ça plutôt la Lincoln!

On commence à jouer dans la court des grands!!!
C'EST UNE HORREUR! Bon, prenons ça par petites bouchées...

Primo, en théorie je devrais avoir la barbe plus longue pour pouvoir dire que la OLD DUTCH est une réussite. Ceci dit, je ne peux pas la faire pousser plus: je dois être 100% imberbe pour le weekend prochain (une apparition 1750.... je vous en reparlerai dans un autre message). Bref, longueur pas à son max quoi.

Mais pour la forme, ça y est! J'ai vraiment l'air... d'un méchant cave! Bon,j'exagère... si j'avais un veston en corduroy brun, je pourrais surement passer pour un prof de philo du cégep. EEEEEEEKKKKK!

Ce que je ferais pas pour la science!